The Long Walk-26.2 Miles of Dopey Fun

The Age-Old Running Question

Can you walk the (insert runDisney race) without being swept? Visit any runDisney Facebook page or social media forum and you will see this question asked hundreds of times, especially as challenge weekends loom and nerves build. And people ask for lots of reasons…first time runners, life events, lack of training, injuries, illness, corral placement. But the stakes are even higher for Dopey-four races over four days totaling 48.6 miles.

The problem was…I didn’t realize I would soon know the answer first-hand, and that answer was YES!

If you can dream it, you can do it!

Walt-We Have a Problem!

About halfway through the Half Marathon, I felt some pain on the outside of my left knee. It was simply a nuisance at first…didn’t affect my speed or my gait-I didn’t even think to tell my running friend, Meghan. From Corral D we easily made the castle by dark and I just assumed the pain would subside.

The calm before the (overused IT band) storm…

It didn’t. The last five miles had longer and longer walk intervals, and shorter running ones. The pain was sharper and more acute. I could have favored one leg if I allowed myself. I knew I was going to need a plan to tackle the full on Sunday, another 26.2 miles on top of the 23.9 I’d already run over the last three days. (If my math seems faulty it’s only because I logged an extra 1.4 miles…I wanted to run a full 50 miles to celebrate my 50th birthday this past November!) LOL!

Proactive Prep

I was hopeful I could get myself set up for success for the full marathon the next morning. We rolled and buffed (Yes, my friends and I travel with a handheld car buffer-our economy version of the Expo’s BFF!). I taped. We agreed to shorten our intervals from the 1:30/:30 the day before to :30/:30. It wasn’t enough.

I was so nervous I even checked my ears-a first.

We crossed the start line and I did two rounds of intervals. I knew immediately-the stopping and starting was not going to work. I think my exact words to my friend Jess were, “Just go. You actually have a shot of finishing this thing.” It seems overdramatic-but the wear of tear of four days of running combined with the four early wake-ups inspires doubt in the best of us. I wasn’t the only one questioning if I would be able to finish.

And it was a feeling I’d had once before…when I ran the Glass Slipper Challenge with Bronchitis and Walking Pneumonia (read about that here!) But this time was different-it was my legs versus my lungs, the distance was doubled and the Dopey Challenge medal was on the line.

Miles 1-5: Castle Bound

One of the perks of walking-all my pics came out nice and clear!

Once I resigned myself to walking and I knew I wasn’t holding my friends back, my new plan was easier to accept. I was still nervous, though. I had no idea of knowing how long my knee would hold up. Luckily, I also had some great friends spectating, and they were tracking both me and the Balloon Ladies. (They are the last runners to cross the start line, and maintain a 16 minute mile. If they pass you at any point on the course you are in danger of being swept.) I was already at mile 3 when they began, and that was the biggest lead I had all day.

My first goal was hitting the castle, so I chose to pass character stops for Pirates, Guardians of the Galaxy and Zootopia characters, as these were all ones I’d met on previous runs and trips. My only stop was for a real bathroom at the TTC location!

Last mile marker before Magic Kingdom!

Magic Kingdom-One Magical Mile

Entering the Magic Kingdom was a huge boost! It was gorgeous all lit up and still decorated from Christmas, which was a surprise. The crowds were amazing with all their clever signs, and it made me want to break into a run. It was hard to walk in front of a cheering crowd!

This moment never stops being special or surreal…!

The best was yet to come though…I had two things to look forward to-Cinderella Castle and my friends cheering for me on Main Street, USA!!!

Cheering crowds as we make our way down Main Street, USA!

I was thrilled to see Jess and Sharon right by Casey’s Corner! They assured me I was doing great and would be able to stay ahead of the Balloon Ladies at my current pace. I just had to keep it up. Just love my runDisney peeps!

Jess and Sharon-runDisney cheerleaders extraordinaire!

It was noticeably lighter than the day before by the time I reached the castle. I also knew I was only going to get slower once the sun came out and the miles piled up. I had to make a decision about characters. Though I love my photos and character stops are my weakness, I decided I would only stop IF the line was extremely short (under ten people) or it was a rare character I’d never met before.

Cinderella Castle lit up in the early morning hours-perfection.

I passed Buzz in Tomorrowland, but I was thrilled to see this guy in Fantasyland! It was Ulf-the mime from Tangled!! I was so excited, and shocked that there were only five people in line! Maybe they didn’t know who he was?? This was my favorite character stop of the entire race!!

Doing “jazz hands” with Ulf-the mime from Tangled!

I walked through the castle (it really took restraint) and I got the requisite castle pic. I knew better than to try my trademark jump-I needed to play it safe with twenty (twenty!!!!) miles still in front of me. It wasn’t hard to pass on a character stop in Frontierland with Woody and Jessie, as I got Bullseye the day before, but passing on the male villains was harder-when do you ever get to see Dr. Facilier and Jafar together? The line was simply too long.

No jump pic today…have to show a little restraint!

Miles 6-13: Grand Floridian and Highway

The next stretch was highway, but had plenty of photo ops to keep it interesting and mark the passage of time. First stop were the groomsmen. They represent the Wedding Pavilion at the Grand Floridian. Just the day before we were cracking jokes about “bad girls” (I was dressed as Maleficent for the Half) but today just a quick smile and moving on!

The Groomsmen from the Grand Floridian! Not too shabby!

Starting in Corral D and only stopping for three photos up to this point meant I still had a ton of people behind me. Perfect time to stop for these fun photo ops with no line! First up were retired ride vehicles! Loved seeing the sub from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea-so nostalgic-loved this ride from my childhood! Also represented was Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Snow White’s Scary Adventures and Star Jets. Star Jets??? Then some interesting busts (never quite figured these out) and the iconic Orange Bird!

Seeing the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues was particularly nostalgic!
Mardi Gras? Haunted Mansion? Hmmm….
My daughter and I are both big fans of Orange Bird!

The sun was also still low enough in the sky not to be a factor, so I stopped for this fun photo op with the Adventurers Club. They were mic’d up and pretty funny…he quipped how I wasn’t doing that bad, but I wasn’t doing that great, either! That got some laughs from the crowd, and reminded me I needed to keep moving!

Oh how I wished that oversized Martini was real…! LOL!

As a Disney fanatic, I’m ashamed to say I didn’t know who Bowler Hat Guy was. But I did know this was a rare appearance and a very short line, so I stopped to meet him. I did rectify this as soon as I got home…watching Meet the Robinsons with my kids. What a great movie! *sniff*

Not sure what my pose is supposed to be (?) but still funny!

Animal Kingdom-A Wild Mile!

Hitting mile 13 means things were starting to get real! The sun was up and it had already taken me close to four hours to get to the half way point. By now I was hitting each and every medical tent-loading up on Biofreeze and taking the maximum number of Tylenol. (They mark your hand with a Sharpie so you can’t request too many!) The knee was twingy but holding up. I was tired though…I could feel the last few days catching up with me.

Sunglasses came out for the first time just outside the AK entrance.

I was still excited to see this frame opportunity right before the entrance to Animal Kingdom, though! There was also an animal handler a few paces away but the line was too long. I know my friends got some great shots with donkeys and exotic birds, depending on when they passed by! I was also pretty excited to see the ostrich from Fantasia-with no line!

A rare character AND a nonexistent line-a win win!

This is where I started to get a little in my head. One of the perks of running the full is that if you time it just right, you can ride Expedition Everest during your race. It was something I was really excited about and planned to do. Except I never saw it, or even thought about it. (Which was good considering the narrow margin at which I finished!!)

I was starting to get preoccupied. If there was a photo op by the Tree of Life, I don’t remember that either. When I stopped for this photo-I wasn’t quite sure who they were…Lion King or Festival of Fantasy parade performers? (They were in fact parade performers from the Little Mermaid section.) I had started to go on autopilot.

Sure, I’ll pose with you ladies, whoever you are!

Miles 14-18: We’re on a Road to Nowhere

There was an awesome surprise waiting for me in the parking lot just outside Animal Kingdom at mile 14-the parking lot was filled with cheering spectators-including my friends! Jess and Sharon had been joined by our friend, Jenn, and hearing them call out my name was pure joy! It was great to grab a selfie, some sweaty hugs (mine) and assurance that I was still well ahead of the Balloon Ladies, though the lead was narrowing.

All of these girls are multiple Dopey finishers-I’m not worthy!

Another awesome perk was all the organized cheer groups-many of which were offering runners snacks! I’m pretty sure I remember stuffing chocolate (Twix, KitKats?) in my pockets-but I had my eye on the prize-someone was handing out jello shots!! I was ridiculously excited to see these and pretty sure I remember choosing green to match my Dole Whip outfit. I really wasn’t thinking clearly at this point. LOL! A fellow runner and I sucked these down together-instant bonding! Cheers!

I’ve always had a weakness for jello shots…!

Pride is a funny thing. I had always coveted the race photos I saw with the Grave Diggers, Haunted Mansion-style, and this was my chance! Common sense told me to stay upright, but no, I couldn’t pass up on this ultimate photo op! Getting down was easy, and I remember popping up as if I was perfectly fine. (Nothing to see here…!) It cost me for sure…but I didn’t regret it. I still don’t!

The Grave Diggers claim their next victim!

Once I exited the parking lot, it was highway. Miles and miles of highway. Miles of up and backs with nothing to really break up the monotony. Now walking in full sun, no shade. Tired. Knee hurting. No characters. Too much time to think…

This was the first time it occurred to me that walking, even brisk walking, is very different from slow running. I trained to run 26 miles, not speed walk 26 miles!! It is a very different skill that uses totally different muscles! I was now “running” a race I hadn’t trained for. It was humbling.

Pluto doing some “excavating” at the construction site!

By the time I realized I probably should have put on sunscreen the medical tents had run out. It was okay-I was still a frequent flier with my Biofreeze fix. Pluto was a sight for sore eyes when I finally saw him around Mile 18 with no line. I was now headed for ESPN’s Wide World of Sports for the first time ever!

Miles 18-20: ESPN’s Wide World of Suck

I didn’t coin that phrase-a veteran Dopey friend did, and I have to say I didn’t buy in. Initially. With the exception of picking up my bib, I had never spent any time at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports. I was excited to see something new-and anything that wasn’t highway miles! What was really cool was that it was an up and back…as we were entering the Sports Complex, you could see all the runners ahead of you pouring out! (This is an important part of my narrative…and contributes to the “suck” factor!)

The first nice touch were the wet sponges! It was hot, and a Heat Advisory had been issued for the day of the race. Walking instead of running meant I was spending a lot more time on my feet in the heat of the day, but it also meant I was expending less energy. Luckily, I love the heat and was not uncomfortable. My friends poke fun at me for running with my hair down, but even that felt okay. I did not use my sponge (and mess up my hair and outfit??) but I did take one for a photo op…my runDisney friends and I have an inside joke about, what else?…sponge baths. LOL!

Time for your sponge bath, Bergatroids!

There were some super cute character interactions along the course here, including Mickey and Donald in referee gear and Goofy in sportswear. The lines were longer here than for other meets, so I only stopped for my Home Girl, Minnie. This was also the last time I remember having my readers. (see hand) LOL! Turning 50 means readers in your Sparkle Skirt pockets are a necessity if you want to read anything!!

My Sparkle Skirt pockets are seriously like Mary Poppin’s carpet bag-they have everything in them!

I had met Joy and Sadness from Inside Out before, but since there was no line I jumped in. My expression here says I’m over it. Still more joy than sadness, though.

Still more Joy than Sadness twenty miles in…but not much!

The last lap through ESPN had us running (walking) through the stadium. That was pretty cool and some runners were called out by name! Some wonderful spectators were camped out by the exit, and I helped myself to both a mini-Coke and a handful of potato chips. Omg sooo good!!!!

A nice distraction…walking through ESPN’s stadium.

The moment of truth was coming, though. As I exited Wide World of Sports, I saw something that struck fear in my heart. There was no runner traffic coming in the opposite direction. None. The road was deserted. No one was entering ESPN because sweeps were happening. The party buses were making their rounds. I had to face the reality that the Balloon Ladies could catch up with me. I may not be able to finish this race.

Miles 20-25: Hollywood Studios Bound… Freak Out Edition

The three miles between ESPN and Hollywood Studios were stressful ones. I kept turning my head to look over my shoulder to make sure there were people behind me. I had been on my feet for over five and a half hours. No sign yet of the Balloon Ladies-but I saw something even scarier. The medics on bikes. I was officially a back-of-the-packer.

They started to check on runners…asking them if they were okay. I literally avoided eye contact. On one hand, I was feeling something close to shame, but on the other hand, understood there was a legitimate need to keep close tabs on us, bringing up the rear for so many different reasons! One guy stopped to change his music and they approached-he hustled right back on the course. I remember increasing my pace as well. Show no weakness!

Still feeling strong despite a long day in the sun!

I finally entered Hollywood Studios around mile 23. It was either a blur or we only traveled through a small section of the park because I don’t remember much at all. I do remember posing with the Incredibles right inside the park. (When you’re already walking and there’s no line it’s literally a drive-by…taking up seconds, not minutes!) I was feeling strong here, and relieved to be off those empty highways!

Feeling like the end could (finally!) be in sight!

Relegated to a much narrower course, there was comfort in being part of a bigger group again, compared to how spread out we were on the highway. In this photo in front of the Chinese theater you can see plenty of people behind me, as well as one of the infamous bike medics! Could I pull this off?

Miles 25-26.2: Epcot-the Holy Land

One short highway mile and I was finally, finally in Epcot! It was a rush-pure joy! At this point I was pretty much guaranteed my medal-all of my medals-as long as I didn’t blow out my knee!

Nothing short of a disaster could take me off the course at this point!

There were various Princesses (Aurora, Jasmine, Snow White) meeting in their respective countries, but I wasn’t even tempted to stop. Epcot had already opened to the public and the lines, while short, were a mix of runners and park goers. I had a very different stop to make that was top priority!

Team Margarita…with SALT!

A few miles before, I noticed my hands felt sore, and hurt when I clenched them. They had become swollen from the heat and water retention. The salt chews I used only got me so far…what I needed was a MARGARITA!!

Best. Day. Ever!!!

Enter Team Margarita! As I rounded World Showcase, I made a quick stop in Mexico. My bib number was checked, and my pre-paid Margarita (with salt!!) was handed over. So grateful for this group who organized this genius idea online!! Absolute Nirvana!!!

That is one happy runner in front of Spaceship Earth!

My mood was 100% turned around! Margarita in hand, I happily posed in front of Spaceship Earth. To be honest-I was in the home stretch and considered a jump here-but I didn’t want to spill my Margarita! LOL!

Evident relief on all three faces here in the final stretch!

I could tell my friends were relieved and happy to see me around Mile 25! I had been on the course for over seven hours at this point, so they had been cheering all day, and I was the last of our little group to head towards the finish line. Now they could wrap up, too! What good sports!

Hey! Look at this! Got myself a Margarita!!

I was really tickled to have this Margarita! The day before I had crossed the Half finish line with a creamsicle, so this was a definite upgrade! One of the perks of running through the Parks later meant that food and drink kiosks were open. I did hear afterward (through the grapevine) that I was one of the last runners allowed to carry a drink over the finish line. I guess the rationale was that we were already taking quite a while to finish…don’t encourage bad behavior! LOL!

Crossing the finish line for the fourth and final time that weekend!

Crossing the finish line was an absolute rush! I honestly can’t remember if I mustered up the energy/strength/courage to shuffle across in something resembling a run, but I’m pretty certain I did! It was just too exciting to walk it in-what’s a little more discomfort at this point?

This photo was taken the split second my Margarita was about to be liberated from its cup, arms raised victoriously! As the runDisney volunteer placed the medal around my neck, I had a rare moment of emotion. Not just elation…I was choked up. I felt an overwhelming sense of pride as I collected my commemorative Marathon Ears, blue Gatorade (clearly the best) and the requisite snack box and banana.

Jubilation! Crossing only my second marathon finish line.

Post-Race Celebration

I was all smiles as I took my Finisher and I Did It! photos. I grabbed my checked bag, put my ears back in their rightful position and couldn’t wait to find my friends in the Reunion area! My final net time? 7:24:23

I Did It! Showing off my new medals in my finisher photo!

Reunited and it feels so good! Lots of hugging and congratulations and catching each other up. We determined that the Balloon Ladies finished just 3/4 of a mile after me, which translates to about ten minutes. While that seems like enough of a buffer, that’s about how long it would have taken me to ride Expedition Everest back in Animal Kingdom. It still gives me chills thinking about how riding could have been the difference between being a finisher and being swept. Choose your stops wisely!

Who says you shouldn’t meet up with people you meet on the Internet?

Lessons Learned-Every Mile Still Magic?

Most people are curious if I felt compromised, if I was disappointed. After all, the reality I got was very different from the reality I trained for. Did I compromise? Yes. I completed a marathon injured. I walked instead of ran. I wasn’t able to experience it with my friends. I didn’t get a PR or a fast POT to brag about…my per mile pace is clearly even over runDisney’s generous 16 minute mile guidelines. (16:57 to be exact.)

Even so, my stats paint a different picture. I walked fast enough from Corral D that even those who started dead last couldn’t catch me. I stopped fifteen times to take pics with characters, made three location stops (Cinderella Castle, Spaceship Earth, Choza de Margarita), at least three bathroom breaks plus stops at every single medical tent.

My training did not disappoint. Though not required to run, proper training ensured that even when I was on the course hours longer than anticipated, I had not one blister, not one chafed spot, more than enough fuel. Heck-I didn’t even get sunburnt!

Was I disappointed? No way. All that talk about running being just as much a mental sport as a physical one? Totally true-all about mental toughness. I was committed to doing my very best, regardless of outcome. I never considered not starting just because I could fail-which was a very real possibility. I was alone with my thoughts for almost seven and a half hours. No music. No conversation. You have to be kind of okay with yourself to be in your own head like that all that time. I thought about all kinds of wonderful and interesting things…

And my friends? They’re the best! They were rooting for me every step of the way! Tracking me, texting me, taking the monorail all over tarnation to cheer along the course! They think I’m a Badass!! Imagine that! Who am I to correct them?!!

When everything was said and done, I logged the same 26.2 miles that every finisher did. My race, my pace. I just got to do it with a Margarita in my hand.

Undeniably Dopey. Four runs over four days totaling 48.6 miles…complete. Run, eat, sleep, repeat.

Jacqueline lives in Connecticut with her family and a cat, Rocky Road. You can follow her on Instagram at @morphingintominnie.

Caring for Giants Elephant Tour at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

One of my favorite splurges at Walt Disney World is to take a behind-the- scenes tour. I absolutely love learning new facts about my favorite attractions and getting a peek at what goes into making the magic happen. Last summer I got to cross an item off my bucket list and go on the Wild Africa Trek. It was one of my all-time favorite Disney experiences (read all about it here!) and while on that tour, our guides told us about the Caring for Giants elephant tour. It sounded great, and I knew that I wanted to experience it someday. Fast forward a few months later to when I found myself planning a trip with girlfriends around a race weekend. I was pregnant and knew I wasn’t going to experience the parks the way I usually do, so I decided that a tour would be the perfect way to spend some time while they were off exploring Pandora and conquering Everest.

Living my dream on the Wild Africa Trek in 2017!

Before You Go…

The Caring for Giants tour is an hour-long opportunity to get a closer look at the African elephants, and it is very affordable (especially when compared to other tours!) – $30 per person, and annual passholders do get a discount. Tours take place nine times per day, from 9:30 am through 4:00 pm. I booked my tour just a couple of weeks prior to the trip with no issues. I’m guessing that with so many times offered throughout the day, you could possibly even register the same day. Guests must be 4 years old to participate, and those under 18 will need an adult to accompany them.

Areas of the tour are backstage, and no photos or video are allowed in these areas. This includes the walk to the vehicle that will transport you to elephant habitat, as well as the ride on the way there. The entire tour is outdoors, so you will want to dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. There isn’t a lot of walking, but you will be standing up during most of the tour. Wheelchairs are permitted, but due to limited availability on the transport vehicle, this must be confirmed in advance.

Let’s See Some Elephants!

The afternoon of our tour arrived, and we headed to the check-in kiosk, which is located across from Kilimanjaro Safaris. We signed the mandatory waiver and were given name tags. The name tags are made from 85% elephant poop fibers! There is actually an entire website dedicated to paper products made from recycled waste – How cool is that?!

So excited to begin our tour!

Our tour began with us being escorted backstage through a nearby gate. I get so incredibly excited anytime I’m able to go backstage! Photos are prohibited, but I try to soak up every detail. We walked past the show building for Festival of the Lion King (on our way back, the show was in the middle of a performance and we could hear the music). We were also able to see the floating mountains of Pandora, and our guide pointed out a hidden Mickey that is only able to be seen from backstage! Total geek-out moment for me, as it was a really cool hidden Mickey!

We walked to a parking lot where there were also some safari vehicles parked, and we boarded a van that would take us further into the savanna to the elephant habitat. As we drove, our guide pointed out various animal barns and areas where they were growing trees and plants, and he told us which areas of the safari we were passing. As a big fan of Kilimanjaro Safari, it was fascinating to get this different perspective!

A few minutes later, we arrived at the elephant habitat, walked up a set of stairs, and…there they were! We were on the backside of where the safari drives by, approximately 80-100 feet away from the elephants. We were free to roam around the length of the outlook and take photos and video. Two cast members were there to speak to us. They told us some facts about the day-to-day care of the elephants, as well as some funny stories about them. I loved hearing the anecdotes, learning the elephants’ names and a little about their personalities. We were also encouraged to ask any questions that we had, and the cast members were more than happy to answer all of our questions. It was clear how much they cared for the animals and loved their jobs!

Baby Stella nurses from her mother Donna, while the matriarch of the herd, Rafiki, stands close by.
Baby Stella also enjoys scratching herself on the rocks!

Once all of our questions had been answered, the cast members introduced us to a cultural representative from Africa. She concluded the tour by talking to us about conservation efforts in Africa and about things we can do here.

At the end of her presentation, we were able to take additional photos with our parties, including some fun shots with a frame (or some well-shellacked elephant poop if that’s your thing!) before we boarded the van and headed back.

Final Thoughts

Would I recommend this tour? Absolutely! I would definitely do it again, and I think my whole family would really enjoy it. I might hesitate to take a younger child who wasn’t able to stand and quietly listen and watch. The cast members aren’t speaking to the group through headsets like on other tours – this is a more intimate small group setting. This tour is fairly short compared to others – only an hour – but it was informative and watching the elephants was absolutely delightful. This would be a great first tour if you’ve never experienced one, or if you don’t have enough time to spend several hours on a tour. I felt like I’d experienced something special, and if you’re an animal lover, I can’t recommend this one enough!

Elephant poop!

Disney with a Preteen: What’s Cool, What Isn’t

It’s been less than two years since our last Disney trip. My daughter, Lola, was almost ten when we visited Disneyland in California and was all about Princesses, Princess outfits and Princess autographs. (And maybe some Jedi Training thrown in!! LOL!) Fast forward just two years and my almost-teen has let me know in no uncertain terms that A. I’m uncool. and B. She is. Therefore, our upcoming trips to Disney World would need some tweaking…

Ahhh…the good old days. Princess dresses and big smiles!

Here are a few of my biggest offenses of being an uncool Disney Mom. Take heed…because in just a few years your adoring, Ariel-clad toddler will be begging you to please stop crying during the Happily Ever After fireworks because you’re embarrassing her.

Uncool – Princess Dresses. Princess Anything. Dresses in General.

Cool – Ripped jean shorts. The ears her mother happens to be wearing.

Okay, this one hurt!! Nothing makes me happier than planning coordinated family outfits for our trips. And she LOVED wearing those Princess dresses to Bibbibi Bobbibi Boutique and Cinderella’s Royal Table! We had them all-Rapunzel’s wedding dress, Elsa’s famous Snow Queen dress, Anna’s Coronation ballgown. Not even the Zarina pirate outfit??? Nope!

Tiaras, glitter and face jewels…living the life!

This last trip, Lola (begrudgingly) agreed to wear some “matching” outfits, but only because we already had them. I got her to wear our matching Orange Bird tanks to Epcot (where we were rewarded with an Orange Bird magic shot!) and matching Rock -n-Roller Coaster tanks to Hollywood Studios. But-she definitely did not want to borrow one of my Sparkle Skirts! (Not entirely true…she did borrow one for the Dark Side 5K!) She did, however, manage to borrow my cutest ears for every pic and look adorable doing so!!

Orange Bird magic shot to match our tanks and ears!
Mickey Rocks! So does the Rock-n-Roller Coaster!

Lola was a good sport at the run Disney 5K in her Leia buns!

Uncool – Posed Pictures. Magic Shots. Pictures hugging her mom.

Cool – Photobombs. Character pics NOT with Princesses.

When we go to Disney we take a lot of pictures. I mean A LOT of pictures. Pictures from the Photopass photographers, iPhone photos, character photos, runDisney photos, magic shots and of course selfies for Instagram! And Lola loves photos. You know-the kind of photos where she photobombs people, sticks out her tongue and makes ridiculous faces. Not exactly Christmas card worthy. 😉

More material for my Instagram bloopers reel…lol!
We all channeled our “inner-Lola” for this group photo!

However, Lola was a good sport and dutifully posed for each shot, gamely holding out her hand for Figment or Tinkerbell or whatever cool graphic the photographer would later superimpose. She hugged me in front of the castle and during fireworks. She smiled in front of Spaceship Earth. But she reached her limit at the Photopass Studio at Disney Springs. Our photoshoot for two turned super corny and we got the best shots of the trip, the two of us cracking up over the absurdity of the loving gazes we were instructed to give each other at close range.

Sure, Mom, I’ll do another magic shot.
Bonding time??? Laughs were had and memories made at the Disney Springs Photopass Studio.

Uncool – Anything your mom does, says, collects or wears.

Cool – Anything your mom’s friends do, say, collect or wear.

Let’s face it-moms are uncool. We’re always blathering on about things like deodorant (You forgot again?), sunscreen and if you’ve remembered to wear your magic band. According to my daughter, I also own too many ears, too many Sparkle Skirts and too many Disney-themed tops. I have inspired eye-rolling on more than one occasion.

Fine Mom…I’ll wear my Epcot shirt but NO EARS!!

That is, until my Slinky Dog ear wearing, Sparkle Skirt sporting, pin trading fabulous friends show up! Then all of a sudden, everything that is uncool is cool again! Mugging for photos! Celebration buttons! Magic shots! Selfies! Trading with Cast Members for Orange Bird pins!

Living it up with my friend Meghan in Toy Story Land!
Trading for Orange Bird pins with Kerry!
I love wearing celebration buttons and ears when Jenn is, Mom!!
Mickey Bars with brother, Luke, and Mom’s much cooler friend.

I have to face facts. My baby is growing up and our Disney trips are changing! The good news is that some things have stayed the same. She still loves roller coasters, especially Expedition Everest. She still loves Mickey Bars and Dole Whips. And by the end of our trip, she barely noticed that she was once again, still holding my hand. Shhh! Just don’t tell her friends!

She’ll always be my baby…

Pirates & Pals Fireworks Voyage – a Night of Adventure on the High Seas!

A few years ago, we took our oldest son (who is now 12), on the Pirates and Pals Fireworks Voyage. It was an absolutely magical night. The character interactions were wonderful, the Electric Water Pageant was great, and watching Wishes from the water was perfect. It was one of those unforgettable Disney nights that we still talk about, years later.

This year, when we decided to celebrate our youngest son’s fourth birthday at Walt Disney World, we knew that this would be a perfect way to celebrate! We booked our tickets, got the birthday boy a Captain Jake costume, and we were all set to sail!

The Pre-Party

The adventure begins at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. We arrived early and were checked in by Cast Members and then given a scavenger hunt to complete in the lobby of the resort while we waited for the event room to open. Once completed, our little buccaneer got to pick out a small prize. At this point, we were given our pirate bandanas and allowed to enter the party.

Check-in area – the main room was blocked off until party time!

Pirate decor set out for the party.

There were lots of food and drinks to choose from – ice cream bars (Mickey’s ice cream sandwiches and popsicles – I was disappointed that there were no Mickey bars!), fruit (bananas, oranges, and apple slices), small bags of pretzels and popcorn, chips and salsa, and two kinds of cake. There were also chocolate doubloons and cotton candy, which many people were taking to snack on later.  The drink selection included lemonade, punch, coffee, and tea. I wasn’t super excited about any of these options – I would’ve loved a soda!

A Mickey ice cream buffet!

Vanilla and chocolate cake!

The kids thought the cotton candy was better than treasure!

Healthier options – fruit, pretzels, and popcorn.

Captain Hook and Smee soon made their appearance! They posed for pictures with a backdrop (and there was a PhotoPass photographer), then roamed around the room, interacting with the kids. Everyone had ample opportunity to take pictures and get silly with the pirates. The first time we attended, I remember the characters playing games with the kids, but this time, they just walked around and interacted.

After about 30 minutes, the guests were rounded up and prepped for heading out to the boat. Our pirate guide, Patch, was excellent! They chose a couple of kids to carry flags and the characters led us outside. After a quick group photo with all of the kids, we arrived at our boat!

Heading out for our voyage!


The Cruise

Each family was assigned a row on the boat. I have no idea how the assignments were made, but I would strongly suggest trying to request a seat on the left-hand side of the boat when you call to make your reservation! The view on that side was much better.

It was just approaching twilight, and it was absolutely beautiful out on the water! While we cruised toward our destination, Patch entertained us with Disney trivia, a sing-along, and lots of jokes. He made sure everyone was laughing – it was a festive party atmosphere! It was so cool to see familiar landmarks from a new perspective!

We reached our destination just a few minutes before the fireworks began. This was my first time (but certainly not my last!) seeing Happily Ever After. The music was played on the boat, and we had a spectacularly unique view!

The only negative thing I can say about the entire experience is that there were times when our view was blocked by railings on the boat. The people seated on the left hand side wouldn’t have had this issue, but we still had a really cool view! I found myself leaning up and almost sitting on my knees to get a view above the railings.

Once the show was over, we headed back to shore for one more surprise. We didn’t get to see the Electric Water Pageant this time, so I’m guessing that doesn’t always coincide with the time of the cruise.  But, even better, Peter Pan was waiting for us on the dock! He led us to a spot at the end of the dock where he took time to meet everyone and take pictures.  It was a great ending to a fun night!

The cost of the fireworks cruise is currently around $72 for adults and $43 for children under 10.  It’s a pricey adventure, but if you’re looking for a special way to celebrate a special occasion or just add a little extra magic to your trip, I think this is a great way to do it. You get fireworks, desserts, characters, and a boat ride – this seems like a better value than just going to a dessert party.  It’s an evening that can be enjoyed by the entire family, and one that I would definitely do again.







Five Reasons to Hit Your runDisney Corral Early!

You registered for your runDisney race!  Your proof of time is submitted!  You secured your travel plans, grabbed your bib at the Expo, even laid out your clothes the night before!  Now the only thing you have to do is show up in your corral right before your race starts, right?  Right??  Well…not so fast!

“Flat Jacqueline” ready for the Frozen 5K!

It’s almost comical watching the dawning realization cross a new runDisney runner’s face when they start doing the backwards math…okay, race starts at 5:30 a.m.  Buses run from 3:00 to 4:30, but they recommend getting on the bus no later than 4:00 to guarantee getting to your corral on time.  I need an hour to shower, dress, tape up, fuel and hydrate.  (More if your routine includes some specialized costuming like incorporating props or facepaint, adding a “tattoo” or donning a wig.  Yes-those are real things!!)  Don’t forget quality bathroom time, too! 😉

Before…my daughter realizing she had to wake up in the middle of the night.

After-runDisney magic kicks in!

So, do you really need to get to your corral THAT early?  The answer is a resounding yes!  Here are the Top Five Reasons you want to be in your corral hours before the sun rises…remember-the early Donald gets the worm!

Characters also stick around after the race for those coveted medal shots!

5.  Travel Time and Last Minute Emergencies

You’ve heard the mantra-Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!  It applies to runDisney, too!  We have been extremely lucky with bus service from Pop Century, never waiting more than a few minutes for a bus.  With its single stop, it’s not uncommon to fill the bus quickly or even have a second bus already waiting!  We had to wait a bit longer the one time we stayed at Port Orleans Riverside with its multiple bus stops, but got there with time to spare, too.  Others, however, report that bus service can be hit or miss, so shoot for an earlier bus!

Pop Century’s bus transportation is great!

Once you get off your bus, you start logging your miles…but not your race miles!  LOL!  You have to walk through the parking lot with hundreds of people, have your bag inspected, go through gear check and locate your corral.  It all takes time, and it’s not uncommon to log your first mile this way!

The long walk from the bus to corrals.

Sometimes you have a last minute situation that needs to be addressed.  Say your flight was delayed, causing you to miss the Expo the day before.  You need to leave time to go to Runner Relations to pick up your bib the morning of the race.  This service is not advertised, but is a courtesy currently offered to runners in the event of an emergency.  Make sure you have your license and signed waiver-though they can help you out with this as well!

Masses of people…don’t leave anything to chance!

At Wine & Dine, if you were running the challenge, they gave you your bib, but also a bracelet to indicate you’re participating in the Two Course Challenge since you weren’t able to get your picture taken at the Expo.  Same with t-shirts…you have to go to the Expo to pick them up afterward!  And you can always grab some safety pins here if you need them, too!  (Remember-no guarantees…this service could be discontinued at any time, so only take advantage of this if you really need it!)

Delayed flight means early morning bib pick up!

It’s also a good idea to keep a little bit of cash on you just in case!  Most runDisney races have a table where you can buy a cup of coffee pre-race.  I’m not brave enough to do this, but many do!   They also have a large water station, typically set up by the corrals.  This is complimentary and a great way to ensure you are properly hydrated.  Since I usually travel late and have all my liquids confiscated, I often feel under hydrated and am very grateful for this service!  (Though both of these could lead to needing #3…again!)

A well stocked runDisney water station.

4.  On-Site Entertainment

I remember showing up for our very first runDisney event-the Frozen 5K back in February 2015 for Princess Weekend.  (The theming wasn’t just Frozen…it was an unseasonably cold 37 degrees!  Brrrr!)  We were bright-eyed and bushy tailed…and took advantage of our early arrival to do it all!  There were all kinds of photo ops (more on that later!) and a DJ leading a dance party!  We answered trivia questions, did popular group dances, sang along, took selfies…anything to stay warm!  It was tons of fun!

Announcer Rudy Novotny chats up Elsa and Crew!

Fun photo ops!

Though we have not been as ambitious since (I think we were on that very first bus!) we always try to leave enough time to take it all in!

DJs spinning music and revving up the crowd!

3.  Porta-Potty Row

The bane of runners everywhere…the dreaded porta-potties!  No one likes having their routine disrupted, and runners are no exception!  Whether your body clock is off, you’re experiencing nerves or are just over-hydrated, the porta-potties are in high demand!  Even though runDisney does a great job of supplying hundreds of units, thousands of runners are vying for them!  Lines can get loooong, so you don’t want to wait too long!  They do move relatively quickly, and there are more porta-potties closer to the corrals, so it’s always a good idea to keep moving towards the farthest ones for the shortest waits!

Yes, I waited in this line!  LOL!

2.  Fun Photo-Ops

This is the best reason to get to your corral early!  There are so many great opportunities for fun photo ops!  First, themed race characters are available with Photopass photographers before every race!  Lumiere was on hand last November for his Two Course Challenge during Wine & Dine Weekend, and this year Mickey and Minnie were the stars of the show in their chef gear!  Since the lines get very long, and they’re strict about ending the character meets in time for runners to make their corrals, I chose to wait in a shorter line to see Chip and Dale, who were adorable in their aprons.  I was one of the last runners to meet them-but don’t worry-they’re also available for pictures after the race as well!

Lumiere loved my Belle costume!

Time with Chip and Dale before the 10K!

In addition, Photopass photographers are roving around, and will happily snap pictures of you and your friends before, you know, you get all sweaty!  You don’t need a magic band or card of any kind…as long as your bib number is visible you can link your photos to your account on the My Disney Experience app.  (Directions how to do this are clearly stated on the back of your bib!!)

Minnie shows off her gloves.

Belle ready for the ball…I mean, run!

Finally, pre-corral is a great time to take your own photos and selfies!  It’s crazy…you wouldn’t believe how often, despite the literally thousands of people, you run into people you know-often from all around the country!  Running Club members, runDisney peeps, Facebook friends, Instagram followers…it’s unbelievable!  It’s also fun to take pics with other runners dressed in similar themes, or just totally fan-girl over some of the more epic costumes people create!

Some Princesses from our Fabulous and Fantastic Corral F Facebook running page!

More Up-inspired Happy Campers!

Epic-the first year of the “Princess Men”!

1. Corral Placement

First, you have to get to your corral.  During Wine & Dine Weekend, the corrals are relatively close together, so you can accomplish this easily.  For larger races like Princess and Marathon Weekend, there are more corrals and more people in each corral.  That means you sometimes have quite a long trek to find your corral.  (And if you closed down Hollywood Studios after partying at Club Villain the night before your Half Marathon, the walk seems endless…!)

My first ever-Fabulous and Fantastic Corral F!

They will also check your bib to see if you’re in the right corral, so leave time for that, too.  Remember, you can always go back to join a friend in a later corral, but you can’t move forward!  And if you’re not in your proper corral before they start the transition walk to the starting line, you’ll have to fall back to a later corral.  All that work for your proof of time-don’t chance it!!

Corral D selfie before the Wine & Dine Half!

Regardless of your corral, there are advantages to being as close as possible to the front of it!  As each corral takes off, those in front have the best view of the starting line, the announcers and the fireworks!  Now that they release each corral in mini-waves, more people get to experience this!

Oh the anticipation…13.1 miles to go!

Mini-waves are runDisney’s attempt to consolidate the corrals.  For example, the Princess Half Marathon used to have corrals that stretched from  letters A-P…that’s sixteen corrals!  This year they only have eight, corrals A-H.  Less corrals equals more people in each corral.  Instead of everyone starting at once from any given corral, two volunteers will divide the crowd with a rope, and walk that group right up to the starting line.

It’s so fun to see your friends up on the big screen!

Doesn’t seem like a big deal until you do the math.  This year for Princess, Corrals C, D and E have about 2,000 people each.  It is speculated that each of those corrals will include two mini-waves.  But what if you’re in Corral F?    There are almost 10,000 Princesses  there!!  It is speculated that they’ll be released in six mini-waves.  This is huge!!  With possibly eight waves spaced out between Corrals A-E, your position in Corral F could place you in the ninth mini-wave if you’re right in front, or as far back as the 14th mini-wave if you’re all the way in the back!  The final two Corrals will have less people and less mini-waves, but this logic applies to every corral-so stake your spot out early!

Runners, set…GO!

Also, starting in front of your corral means that you have open road in front of you, at least for a little while!  No crowds, no bottlenecks!  Establishing your pace, finding your groove and stopping for characters is a little bit easier!

Still dark, and no bottlenecks through Animal Kingdom!

Getting to your corral earlier also allows you to position yourself strategically.  When I run intervals, I like to place myself at the right side.  This allows me to easily transition from running to walking just by raising my arm and moving a few steps to the right.  If I am running straight through (and by “straight through” I mean only stopping for characters!) I like to be front and center!

Front of your corral can mean shorter character lines!

If you are in a farther corral or concerned about the 16 minute mile requirement, being at the front of your corral gives you an additional buffer between yourself and the Balloon Ladies, too.  These ladies (which can actually be women and men!) are the last people to cross the start line and walk the course maintaining a consistent 16 minute mile…you just have to stay in front of them and you’ll have your Finishers Medal in no time!

Head to your corral, NOT  your coral!

Okay, your teeth are brushed and your “Flat” is laid out-time to set the alarm and go to sleep!  Have Siri wake you at 3:00 and set a back-up for 3:15…maybe even ask the Front Desk to call if you’re worried about oversleeping!  (And good luck if you’re doing this two, three, even four days in a row!!) Keep the Visine handy and fuel up-you’re going to need it to rock your runDisney race!  Just remember to get to your corral on time!

Finisher! You did it! Now go take your nap…!

Jacqueline lives in Southbury, CT with her husband, two children and cat, Rocky Road.  She is a runDisney enthusiast, new AP holder and autism mama.  You can follow Jacqueline on Instagram at @neverlandpress and @morphingintominnie.









































